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White Brick Wall


This is why we"re called "Gravity Bar."  Not all colonics are created equal.  The Wood Gravitational Method Colonics use gravity fed water in a closed system to facilitate the removal of toxic gas and stagnant debris in the colon without any embarrassing sounds or odors. It is considered to be the gentlest colonic available as it does not use pressurized machines.  In addition, this method employs stainless steel scopes for maximum efficacy and comfort.  These are disinfected and sterilized in the same way a dentist’s tools are along with flexible tubing that can be pulsated to mimic the body’s natural peristalsis.  Like taking your colon for a walk, this pulsating helps to reshape and retrain the muscle back into proper form and tone.


Why have a colonic?

The colon is designed to completely and naturally remove digestive and cellular waste from the body. Unfortunately, the modern diet of cooked, processed and devitalised foods combined with low water intake, sedentary lifestyles and stress, has contributed to an epidemic of digestive disorders. These include constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, diverticulitis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, spastic colon, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few. It is not uncommon to hear of bowel transit times of anywhere from three days to two weeks! The buildup of waste matter within the colon can lead to auto-intoxication and overgrowth of yeast (candida albicans), prevent proper absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall, and hinder the muscular movement of the colon, leading to sluggish peristalsis (the muscle contractions that move matter through your colon) and chronic constipation. A colonic can help to loosen up and remove impacted waste matter from the colon, as well as improve and even restore the healthy muscular action of the colon.
Of course, you don’t have to be suffering from severe digestive disorders to benefit from a colonic. Even clients with no reported digestive issues have been amazed at what has been removed from their colon. Clients have reported benefits such as better sleep, clearer skin, less gas and bloating and more regular bowel movements following their treatments.

What to Expect

  • Gravity method functions as a “closed system", which means elimination exits through a closed tube; there is no embarrassing smells, sounds or wetness.

  • To receive the treatment, you will be laying on a cushioned table, on top of a protective under-pad, and you your body will be covered with a towel throughout the session for privacy. (A private bathroom is located in the treatment room for easy access immediately following your session)

  • A tank of body temperature, filtered water sits elevated above the treatment table, utilizing gravity for the flow of water.

  • To perform the treatment, a sterilized stainless steel instrument is lubricated and inserted into the rectum. (Don’t fear, the insertion is painless and is only two inches deep.)

  • Two separate firm latex surgical tubes are attached to the speculum: one transports water into your body and the other transports the water and waste out. The water feed-in tube is narrow and the waste tube is wide. The emphasis is always on the outflow and not the input of water to your body.

  • At the beginning of the colonic, you will be lying on your left side, in a fetal position. The colon hydrotherapist will start the session. They will be working with the natural rhythm of your body by gently pulsing the evacuation tube, and as well, will apply abdominal massage to assist your body in eliminating at various points in the treatment.

  • At a certain point during treatment, you will be asked to turn onto you back where you will be lying for most of the session. Towards the end of the session, you will turn back to your left side to end the treatment.

  • Retentions of Water: At various points in the colon hydrotherapy treatment, the therapist will administer retentions of water. This means that they close off the waste tube so the fresh water can now move more thoroughly into your body without simultaneously exiting. This is done to facilitate a deeper release of matter and provide for a more thorough treatment. This is always done in alignment with your comfort level and often with guided deep breathing. The therapist will release the water the moment you inform them you need to release it.

  • Most sessions require about 45 minutes and upon completion you will be able to go to the bathroom for any final releases before getting dressed.

  • Most clients walk out of the treatment room feeling “light as a feather” with an overall sense of rejuvenation and clarity, a calmness, and true sense of joy!

How to prepare

To get the MOST benefit from your session

  • Be well hydrated - drink more than usual (at least 64 ounces/day) 5 days before and on the day of the treatment.

  • Be light. Choose light and hydrated food in the previous days.

  • No alcohol within 48 hours of your session.

  • You may skip a meal before or refrain from eating two hours prior to your appointment; you’ll intuitively want to eat lightly and healthy afterwards.

  • If possible, have a bowel movement before your session to allow better flow of water through the gravity-method process.

How many colonics do I need?

Colonics are best practiced in a series, but one is better than none!  Every body is different and how many sessions is usually dependent on how much significant change a person is hoping to see.
To begin to understand the benefits of the Wood’s Gravity Method, a minimum of four sessions is recommended.  Colonics are safe to be practiced every 24 hours but best is every two days.
A full series of colonic hydrotherapy is considered 12 sessions over 2 to 3 months. Over this time, you will notice more frequent bowel movements as your colon become stronger and less burdened.  After the series is complete, you can come back on occasion to unload those toxins you can’t control.  This is a tremendous way to release what you holding inside your body and the best thing you can do for your health right now to alleviate what you’ve done in the past and prevent what’s coming in the future. 

What is the colon?

The colon is also known as the large bowel or large intestine.  Roughly five and a half feet long, it is almost as long as the average person is tall.  The colon is a muscle.  Just like the other muscles in the body the colon can become sluggish and lose tone and shape.  A healthy colon produces a bowel movement 2- 3 times a day.

What is constipation?

Constipation is any form of congestion and is usually accompanied by dehydration. It extends to the cellular level. One bowel movement a day is a sign of constipation. The feeling of an incomplete elimination is a form of constipation. Symptoms included excess weight, fatigue, irritability, mental confusion, bloat, gas, indigestion, lethargy, headaches, migraines, earaches, sinus drainage, allergies, cellulite, anxiety, depression, pessimism, unsatisfied hunger, and poor circulation.
A colon hydrotherapy session begins to hydrate the system and break up the impacted and dehydrated fecal matter, mucous, and other waste materials that layer the walls of the large intestine.  
Colon hydrotherapy will stop the backup and re-absorption of toxic materials. Assimilation of nutrients improves while the liver and kidneys are relieved.

How do the Intestines get out of shape?

Everything we put in our mouth touches and affects the walls of the stomach, small intestine, and colon (large intestine). When these substances or their by-products are toxic, they damage the intestinal wall and cells; intoxicate the nerves and glands, and can be absorbed through the walls into the blood and lymph and ultimately to the cells and tissues. As a result, peristalsis declines. The slower transit increases fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food by bacteria and yeast. The bacteria and yeast put off toxic wastes in the form of acids and gases. These substances also cause inflammation and damage to the cells of the intestinal walls. Research indicates these substances can create abnormal behavior and abnormal brain behavior. The nervous system is directly affected.
Elimination becomes incomplete and waste remains in the intestines. Dehydration and stagnation occur creating erratic conditions in the body in the form of the disease. 

How is the colon linked to the Lymphatic system?

The lymph system is part of the circulatory system and a major part of the immune system. Its clear-to-white fluid is composed of many different types of white blood cells and other substances. One of its main jobs is to transport nutrients from the blood to each cell and remove its waste. Some of the waste is transported to the intestines via the lacteals, the part of the lymph system which empties into the small intestine. It then passes into the large intestine for elimination.
When the intestinal walls are impacted, the lymph system retains the cell waste. The prolific number of lymph nodes in the abdominal region becomes storage points for the waste. The lymphatic fluid becomes thicker and if accompanied by dehydration sets the stage for an impaired immune system. Keep the lymph highly fluid by focusing on daily fluid intake, diet, and exercise.

How is the Colon linked to mental health?

The gut-brain connection is complex and bidirectional. Signals pass both ways between your digestive system and central nervous system. Key players in this connection include the enteric nervous system, vagus nerve and gut microbiome.
Gut microbiome is so complex that it is often referred to as “the second brain.” Spanning the length of the intestines, this biome outnumbers your human cells 100 to 1.  Collectively they weigh roughly 3.5 lbs- similar to that of your brain weight and are the gate keepers to many receptors signaling back to the brain.
For example, while it may be well known that serotonin is manufactured in the brain, it is less known that 70% of the signal receptors to release this hormone are located in the intestinal walls.
Health and disease or current conditions in one can affect the other.  Science has shown that people with constipation are more likely to be diagnosed with mood and anxiety problems. In fact, constipated individuals are 14x more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression.

Who should & who shouldn't

Colonic hydrotherapy is discouraged in people with certain health conditions. Chief among these are conditions that cause intestinal bleeding or inflammation.
Avoid colonics if you have:

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